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Top Posts provides an easy to use set of discussion forums for people to talk about topics of interest with like minded people. The secure Top Posts server hosts forums on a wide range of topics catering for sports fans, news junkies, amateur chefs and everything in between!

After a simple sign up process to register an account, you can start talking about your favorite things straight away. Using the Top Posts app, authenticated users can quickly navigate to the forums of their choice and browse through posts organised by topic or thread. With one click on the app you can join the conversation yourself by adding your own point of view to the thread; or you can start a new conversation by launching your own thread.


Chat about your travel experiences, likes and dislikes. Let others know about fabulous locations and recommend activities and things to do at your favourite locations.


Let others cook up a storm with your favourite recipes and learn from others. Share ideas and tips so that you can be the number 1 cook in your kitchen.


Whether it is rock, alternate, hip hop, jazz, blues, pop or polka you can let others know what you are listening to and find new and exiting genres of music. Read or write review songs, albums and video clips and more.


Find friends and meet new people with Social posts. Organise to meet and greet with like minded people and explore a new social world.


Stay up to date, keep in touch and make sure you know what is happening, not only next door but across the world.


What to plant and grow? Get advice and share tips for getting a greener thumb and making sure your plants thrive in the garden.


Find a car that suits your needs and style. Sports car or SUV? Convertible or hot rod? Get the facts and opinions of others and make an informed choice.


Is it an inside or outside day? Get the goss on what is happening with the weather. Make sure you are prepared for all occasions and don't get caught out!


Get the latest scores and state of play. Find out how your team went overnight and who scored all the points. Get in early on the celebrations or plan the commiserations.